Lobby closed to the public. Drive-thru available during normal business hours. Call for an appointment; senior hour daily from 10:00 - 11:00, by appointment only.
Phone number: 660-582-2131
Lobby closed; call (660) 582-7454 for an appointment. Drive-up open during normal business hours.
Closed to the public; available normal business hours by phone, email and web conference
Chad Hannigan: Phone 660-582-7196 or Email chad.hannigan@edwardjones.com
Jeff Von Behren: Phone 660-582-2644 or Email jeffrey.vonbehren@edwardjones.com
Janette Padgitt: Phone 660-582-2400 or Email janette.padgitt@edwardjones.com
JR Kurz: Phone 660-562-2267 or Email jr.kurz@edwardjones.com
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation
Doors are open to walk-ins or call 816-396-0538 to make an appointment.
Call anytime by phone at 816-233-4100 or 913-942-2500; meet by appointment in our Lenexa, KS office or in our St. Joseph, MO office; or meet anywhere through video conferencing (call to arrange)
We also offer a secure digital portal for delivering portfolio statements and messages, in addition to collecting documents for you. Our financial planning clients already use the portal, but it's available for any client.
Lobby closed, drive-up open during normal business hours. M-Th: 8:30 - 4:00; F: 8:30 - 5:00; Sat 8:00 - noon
Northwest Missouri Regional Credit Union
Drive-thru open 8:00 - 4:30 M - Th; 8:00 - 5:00 Fri; 8:00 - noon Sat Call for an appointment: 660-582-5747 or send an email
North Branch is open Drive-Thru only; Lobby closed except by appointment.
Hours updated to:
Mon – Fri: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sat: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
To schedule an appointment call 660-582-7159
South Branch is Temporarily Closed
Lobby closed, drive-up open Mon - Fri 7:30 - 5:30; Sat 8:00 - noon
Phone Number: (660)224-2558