Membership Decal – Display it proudly so that all who enter your establishment will know that you are a quality business and that you have made an investment in our community to ensure that the Greater Maryville area remains a great place to work, live and visit.
Monthly Newsletter – Members receive a monthly email about coming events and programs that directly relate to and affect the Greater Maryville business community.
New Member Recognition – We recognize new members in our annual report and on our social media pages.
Business Referrals – The Chamber often receives requests for recommendations on goods and services to be purchased in our area. We refer these newcomers, tourists, residents and businesses to Chamber Members only.
Newcomer/Visitor Information – The Chamber promotes its members to thousands of residents, tourists and visitors each year. Chamber members are encouraged to contribute promotional materials to the newcomer program.
Conference/Meeting Room – The Chamber’s conference room is available to members holding off-site seminars, staff meetings and presentations. Our conference room has wi-fi and media capabilities. All requested dates must be approved by the Chamber.
Brochure Display and Distribution – The Chamber invites it’s members to display brochures in the lobby at no cost. This display provides a great marketing opportunity by offering exposure to the public and other Chamber members. If you would like to take advantage of this benefit, please mail or bring your brochures to the Chamber.
Business Deductions & Discounts – Chamber membership is considered a business expense by the Internal Revenue Service. Chamber members are also eligible for substantial discount with several nationally known businesses and professional services such as FedEx, Office Depot and Constant Contact.
Online Presence – Through social media and our website, we stay in front of the business community. Your membership includes category listings on the chamber website.
Chamber in the News – Watch the Nodaway News Leader and the Forum for news featuring new businesses, events, new Chamber members, ribbon cuttings, and other news of interest to the business community.
Ambassador Program – Ambassadors seek opportunities to educate, promote and share the benefits of Chamber membership with the business community. Ambassadors play an essential role in member recruitment, communication and retention, assisting with meetings and events, and attending ribbon cuttings.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies – Whether it’s a new member or an existing member moving to a new location, expanding business or launching a new product, the Chamber is always ready to help celebrate success with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
First Friday Coffee – Held every first Friday of the month at various member businesses, this is another informal networking event to meet fellow members.
Networking & Prospecting Opportunities – Major benefits of your membership are the many places you can showcase your business through event sponsorships.