• Nodaway News Leader


    AdvertisingNewspapersPrinting/ Print Shops/ Publishers

    About Us

          The Nodaway News Leader is dedicated to presenting local and area news for Nodaway County and the region’s readers. Our staff is both experienced and knowledgeable in the production of a dynamic news product to best engage and inform our loyal readers.

          Being still a youngster in the newspaper field, the Nodaway
    News Leader staff has been printing a weekly-encapsulated news product since
    1996. Our news focus continues to primarily be county government and
    elementary/secondary education.

          The Nodaway News Leader is also proud to offer a website
    filled with a taste of our local newspaper. Nodawaynews.com allows readers who
    are away from their post office-delivered edition to keep up on the events of
    the area.  

          Another great service offered by the staff at the Nodaway
    News Leader is Leader Printing and Promotions. A complete line of printing and
    copying services is available including design services, posters and flyers,
    brochures, letterhead, envelopes, business forms, black and white copies, color
    copies, colored paper printing and more!

          Staying current with media trends, while offering a
    down-to-earth view of the events that shape the lives of the people of Nodaway
    County, demonstrates the commitment level of the staff of the Nodaway News

    Rep/Contact Info

    Lisa Dalton
    Advertising Manager
    Kathy Rice
    News Reporter
    Kay Wilson